Nome | Anno |
Torches | 2015 |
Jaracaca | 2015 |
Obsidian Flakes | 2015 |
Bury The Ill Flock | 2015 |
Germinate The Reaper Seed | 2015 |
We Who Move With The Graven Worms | 2015 |
Earth And Lye | 2015 |
When Human Compost Stains All Earth And Repels The Messengers Of Love | 2015 |
Android : 120 Ampere Opiate | 2000 |
Avatar Of Innocence | 2015 |
Starve, Beg & Die A.K.A. Fuck You Kill Me | 2015 |
Skull Of A Hermit/Brain Of A Faery | 1999 |
No Tears Fall Through Hollow Eye Sockets | 2000 |
Scarecrow Trailer Park | 1999 |
Pigeon Vs. Crow | 1999 |
Born On A Bomb Shell | 2000 |
Chemical Goat | 2000 |
Zero Comfort Margin | 2000 |
Playdumb | 2000 |
Strip Naked For The Killer | 2000 |
Host(Age) | 2000 |